We journeyed to Northern California for this show, which is held in San Jose. The show had a easy going atmosphere. I was able to talk with some artist I haven’t been able to converse with due to the high volume of crowds. I was very excited to finally get my art books signed by… Read more »
This years show was a 2 and a half day show. For a Friday at 5pm start day it was very crowded and busy up until the floor closed. Saturday was extremely busy non-stop with a constant wave of people on the convention floor. Sunday was also very busy. This year I shared tables… Read more »
The Long Beach Comic Expo started my convention season and what a great way to start the 2011 convention season. It was a extremely busy show from start to finish. The mood of all the attendees was energetic and full excitement. I enjoyed talking with everyone who stopped by my table.
In San Jose for Big Wow ComicFest. Day one was a good day. Looking forward to day two. Here’s an illustration done at today’s show.
Wizard World Anaheim day 1 finished. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new friends. Looking forward to day 2.
I will be at the Long Beach Comic Expo on Saturday, April 23. Stop by artist alley tables 505-506 to see Dan Mendoza, Jeniffer Mendoza, Lance Sawyer, Amy Sawyer, Kevin Woody, Kay Wantuch, Tony English and me. We will have indie comics, prints, t-shirts and original art for sell.
Here is a Dark Avengers Sketch Cover I recently illustrated on featuring Ms. Marvel.
New Artwork 2011
Here’s another Blank Cover that kept calling me to illustrate on it. While working on my indie book, Wolverine managed jump into my creativity and what you see is the result of the idea that wouldn’t leave me a lone until it was on the Blank Cover.
I’ve had a Blank Comic Cover for Image United laying in wake to be illustrated on…Well I finally came up with a design to illustrate on it. It’s for my local comic book store Bases Cards and Comics. The illustration is in a different style than you’re use to seeing from me. Enjoy!!!
Here is the Pencils and the B&W ink wash original art used to create my 2010 Christmas Card. Mixed Media 11×17 in pencil and black watercolor.