This years show was a 2 and a half day show. For a Friday at 5pm start day it was very crowded and busy up until the floor closed. Saturday was extremely busy non-stop with a constant wave of people on the convention floor. Sunday was also very busy. This year I shared tables… Read more »
The Long Beach Comic Expo started my convention season and what a great way to start the 2011 convention season. It was a extremely busy show from start to finish. The mood of all the attendees was energetic and full excitement. I enjoyed talking with everyone who stopped by my table.
In San Jose for Big Wow ComicFest. Day one was a good day. Looking forward to day two. Here’s an illustration done at today’s show.
Wizard World Anaheim day 1 finished. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new friends. Looking forward to day 2.
I will be at Anaheim Wizard Con this weekend April 29th, 30th, and May 1st in Artist Alley. Stop by and say hi! I will post the table number when I have it. More info
I will be at the Long Beach Comic Expo on Saturday, April 23. Stop by artist alley tables 505-506 to see Dan Mendoza, Jeniffer Mendoza, Lance Sawyer, Amy Sawyer, Kevin Woody, Kay Wantuch, Tony English and me. We will have indie comics, prints, t-shirts and original art for sell.
Thanks to all that stopped by our table. Great Con and awesome attendees! Looking forward to next years show!!!
I will be at the Bakersfield Comic-Con tomorrow. Stop by if your in the area.
Long Beach Comic Con
1 day until LBCC. I will have shirts, books, prints, sketchcards & original art at booth 1007.
Thursday’s preview night was full of excitement and enthusiasm as the doors opened to start the 3 1/2 day show. There was a continuous flow of people looking to see what each exhibitor had to offer the convention crowd. Friday started later and went later. The day went by fast. I always enjoy the people… Read more »